My boss has twice told me a story about when he started with our company. (His 20th anniversary is next spring, so we'll forgive him the repeated narrative.) He was hired as an entry level engineering draftsman of some sort or another that I don't understand. After about a month of working without a PC, he politely offered that he would be much more productive with that tool at his disposal. The response was that he needed to complete a requisition for the PC that would support his need for such an extravagantly expensive piece of office equipment.
He quietly went about drafting his requisition by hand on a yellow legal pad - something he still does on occasion, making amendments as he went, then proceeded to transfer his argument onto the appropriate requisition form in triplicate via typewriter. Yes, typewriter. My boss has many valuable skills. Typing is not one of them.
He handed the requisition to his boss at the end of the day, covered in carbon paper ink smudges and Liquid Paper (no, not this...this.)
He estimated that with a computer, he would have been able to complete the same task in 6 minutes, instead of 6 hours and calculated that the company could expect a 127,844% efficiency increase for the bargain price of one PC.
The computer was on his desk the following Monday.